September 12, 2011


男人都是普通成药,有些男人是止痛药,当你伤心难过的时候可以陪你度过寂寞的日子,但他终究不是你最爱的人;有些男人是感了药,不管吃不吃药,感冒都会痊 愈,可有可无;有些男人是避孕药。不要他没有安全感,要他又有副作用;有些男人是后事丸,是走到绝境的时刻才选择的对象,而有些男人则是维他命,可以让你 没有生活的忧愁却平淡缺乏.

November 14, 2010

Crazy Night

Just coming back the club 9=) A lot of friends over there, we are so happening there,Although the place that we stand was not  so nice because there is not easy to dance with  pretty or sexy girls .We're so happening there , and there has  a sexy bitch dancing behind of our  table...She's hot!! But she's not the cup of my tea,hahaha!!!

November 12, 2010

Mild Seven


Sleepless Night

I am laying on my bed,but i can't sleep=S
There are many things in my mind spinning now.Please stop spinning,arhh!!
Sleep at 3 or 4 at the midnight,and wake up at 12 or 1 noon.Damn!What a messy life!!I think need to changing my attitude to life,but it was the hard work for me and I'm used to this life.
Gosh!!!Now is 3 am.....I have a class tomorrow morning at 10am,What the hell of the fucking time table,i will curse the person who arrange the time table.

November 11, 2010

Can not be achieved

I am feel that i am very small in the world because i am not standing on the high.Sometimes I think if I stood high at the beginning,does the feeling will be different??I like to look up to the high.Every time that climbed to a certain height, I looked around, I found a great distance with high.

November 10, 2010

A new day

wake up so early today and there is no feeling of fall asleep again.Usually i will be wake up at 12 or 1...
Gosh!!I have a test later, but I have not ready anything.What a damn test!!!
I am very lazy to picking up my notes,styling my hair,and walking to college....I think i need some motivation,but i am not sure what kind of motivation that i needed...Girls???Party??or Money??

September 09, 2010

