November 14, 2010

Crazy Night

Just coming back the club 9=) A lot of friends over there, we are so happening there,Although the place that we stand was not  so nice because there is not easy to dance with  pretty or sexy girls .We're so happening there , and there has  a sexy bitch dancing behind of our  table...She's hot!! But she's not the cup of my tea,hahaha!!!

November 12, 2010

Mild Seven


Sleepless Night

I am laying on my bed,but i can't sleep=S
There are many things in my mind spinning now.Please stop spinning,arhh!!
Sleep at 3 or 4 at the midnight,and wake up at 12 or 1 noon.Damn!What a messy life!!I think need to changing my attitude to life,but it was the hard work for me and I'm used to this life.
Gosh!!!Now is 3 am.....I have a class tomorrow morning at 10am,What the hell of the fucking time table,i will curse the person who arrange the time table.

November 11, 2010

Can not be achieved

I am feel that i am very small in the world because i am not standing on the high.Sometimes I think if I stood high at the beginning,does the feeling will be different??I like to look up to the high.Every time that climbed to a certain height, I looked around, I found a great distance with high.

November 10, 2010

A new day

wake up so early today and there is no feeling of fall asleep again.Usually i will be wake up at 12 or 1...
Gosh!!I have a test later, but I have not ready anything.What a damn test!!!
I am very lazy to picking up my notes,styling my hair,and walking to college....I think i need some motivation,but i am not sure what kind of motivation that i needed...Girls???Party??or Money??

September 09, 2010



August 03, 2010


当女孩长大后,嫁给了一个不在乎她的容颜变化、愿意给她数眼角的皱纹,一直都把她当小孩对她无微不至的关怀、宠爱有加的男人时,她是幸福 。当女人有了孩子后,孩子很懂事还知道孝顺父母关爱他人,知道在母亲劳累一天回家后给她倒一杯茶捶捶背揉揉肩,那这个女人也是幸福的; 当女人白发苍苍、走路都缠颤巍巍的时候,身边还有一个和她差不多也是白发苍苍的老先生互相搀扶着看夕阳一起散步的时候,那她一生肯定是幸福的 。 我要做的就是为她们编织这个谎言,也许等到她们死亡前那一刻蓦然回首发现其实自己被我骗了,但是没有关系,因为那一刻,她们还是开心的,这个 谎言——是美丽的

June 23, 2010


座城市,一座坐落在高地,另一座坐落在洼地。处在高地上的城市头领想出了一个令人心酸的绝人之道――把高地的水库打开。结果可想而知,洼地的城市被大水围困,注定要灭亡。水库打开,哭叫 之声不绝于耳。看到如此的惨状,围困者做出了一个人道的姿态,派船去救落水人,但是,派遣的船 只不多,只能容纳极少一部分人,他们的头领喜欢女人,所以只能让妇女上船,并要求只能带自己最喜欢的一样东西。有的带上自己的玉镯;有的带上自己的金银首饰;有的带上自己的铜镜...... 她们想这样既保住了自己的生命,又不失自己的财产。惟有一位妇女肩扛着自己的丈夫,奋力上船。 一个士兵阻拦道:“船上只允许上妇女,不许运男人。”那位妇女说:“这就是我最喜欢的东西。” 士兵无言以对,只好乖乖地让她上船。在那次水患中唯一幸存的男人就是那位妇女的丈夫。